A fic wishlist was something I always wanted to do but felt kind of weird about, probably because I hate even the suggestion of asking another human for something. But why not? This post will collect everything I always wished would exist so I could read it. Not much here yet, but I plan to update this as I think of things. If anyone feels ~inspired then help a fandom sister out. I also encourage my mutuals to post their own. Never know what you might get out of it. ;P
+ The Doom Generation AU. +
I've wanted this foreeeever. I used to go hard for a Blair/Dan/Carter version (Georgina/Nate/Carter would actually match the movie characters way more, but that's the kind of trippy bullshit only I would come up with) but I don't care about Gossip Girl anymore so now I'm vibing Maia/Simon/Jace, which I think fits pretty nicely. Fashion! Sexy drifters! Teen angst! End of the world road trips! This movie has it all and would be a perf AU in my humble opinion.
+ The Doom Generation AU. +
I've wanted this foreeeever. I used to go hard for a Blair/Dan/Carter version (Georgina/Nate/Carter would actually match the movie characters way more, but that's the kind of trippy bullshit only I would come up with) but I don't care about Gossip Girl anymore so now I'm vibing Maia/Simon/Jace, which I think fits pretty nicely. Fashion! Sexy drifters! Teen angst! End of the world road trips! This movie has it all and would be a perf AU in my humble opinion.