Though the recent ficathon is somehow my most popular post ever on lj (????? it's 2016????? no other ficathon ever got this much activity??????) there still aren't really many prompts for my fandoms/my specific niche af interests. Therefore I have decided to throw up a post copycatting my favorite way of getting prompts, because it allows me total control and I am a control freak. Stolen from
stainofmylove, who is boss.
01. I'm going to comment to this post with a list of characters or pairings I feel like writing.
02. Reply to said comment with requests and a prompt or two or three or ton, and I'll do
my best to write something.
03. If you want to write as well, then post your own list of characters or pairings you're in
the mood to play with as a separate comment to this post--so that people can request
from you!

01. I'm going to comment to this post with a list of characters or pairings I feel like writing.
02. Reply to said comment with requests and a prompt or two or three or ton, and I'll do
my best to write something.
03. If you want to write as well, then post your own list of characters or pairings you're in
the mood to play with as a separate comment to this post--so that people can request
from you!