I've been trying very hard to phrase this in a non-pretentious way, but oh well: I've always been a person very concerned with aesthetics. Though I would say it wasn't until I hit my twenties that I stopped looking like a hot mess most of the time. These things take trial and error! And my style is very much an amalgamation of the media I consume. I'm sure a lot of people would say the same, it's one of those things we can't help – but my clothes always distinctly echoed whatever I was obsessed with at the time. When I was into vampires, I was a goth. When I was Cabaret-obsessed, I had a flapper haircut. And yes, I bought Blair Waldorf red tights and I still have a box of fucking hair accessories that I never wear. It was that way until I became old enough to learn what I really liked and what worked for me, though of course I still give in to it now and then.
I'm a big believer in comfort. I.e., you should style yourself in the way that makes you feel the best and screw anyone else or any made-up fashion "rules," etc., etc. Your way of feeling comfortable might not be my way and that's cool. As long as it makes you happy, you know? As for myself, I prefer a very hyper-feminine look most of the time, and I like to reference a lot of older stuff. I'm not a tried and true vintage girl by any means; I like to work in bits and pieces and reference more than outright go for it (major props to those that do, though). The 90s had a randomly heavy 50s influence in fashion and I aim for that a lot. But really I just love variety too much for my own good. I can't limit myself. Some days I want to rock Betty Draper's casual plaid house pants, some days I want to look like an extra in The Craft. C'est la vie.
What I have in my notes for this post is: 90s!50s pinups mixed with fran fine. joan holloway betty draper fusion. amy blue. marilyn.
So. Take that as you will. I will now throw a bunch of pictures of my current style inspos at you.
* again i stole everything from tumblr, I'm lazy, i will source if asked