I'm working on some longer fics right now and it's all dragggggggingg and I'm sorta lacking inspiration, so I figured I'd steal my favorite prompting format from my girl stainofmylove and hopefully something fun will spark!
1. I'm going to comment to this post with a list of fandoms and/or pairings I feel like writing.
2.Reply to said comment with requests and a prompt, and I'll do my best to write something.
3.If you want to write as well, then post your own list of fandoms and/or pairings you're in
the mood to play with as a separate comment to this post--so that people can request
something from you!
4.Feel free to pimp to your flist! New blood is always welcome.
2.Reply to said comment with requests and a prompt, and I'll do my best to write something.
3.If you want to write as well, then post your own list of fandoms and/or pairings you're in
the mood to play with as a separate comment to this post--so that people can request
something from you!
4.Feel free to pimp to your flist! New blood is always welcome.